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Policy Information

Frame 6371

Please submit one claim per claimant even if you are insured under the same policy.

Your policy details
Your trip details
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Claim Details
Frame 6904
My Trip was Cancelled

What happened?

What was the reason for the trip cancellation?

Description of claim

Details of your non-refundable, non-recoverable portion of prepaid airfare and/or travel arrangements

Add another bill

Details of your additional charges

Add another bill
I was not able to finish my trip (Trip interruption)

What happened?

What was the reason for the trip interruption?

Description of claim

Claim details

My flight was delayed

Claim details

Description of claim

Details of your necessary toiletries and clothing items

Item 1
Add another bill
I missed my connecting train/ flight/ boat

Description of claim

Claim details

My personal belongings were lost, damaged or delayed

Claim details

Was it stolen?
Was it damaged?

Description of claim

Other (Accident Exposure etc.)

Description of claim

Frame 6905
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Upload Your Supporting Documents
Frame 6904
My Trip was Cancelled
Scheduled flight/travel itinerary
Add files
Reason for cancellation
Add files
Expense receipts
Add files
Refund Information
Add files
I was not able to finish my trip (Trip interruption)
Scheduled flight/travel itinerary
Add files
Reason for cancellation
Add files
Expense receipts
Add files
Refund Information
Add files
My flight was delayed
Scheduled flight/travel itinerary
Add files
Flight delay report
Add files
Expense receipts
Add files
I missed my connecting train/ flight/ boat
Scheduled flight/travel itinerary
Add files
Reason for cancellation
Add files
Expense receipts
Add files
Refund Information
Add files
My personal belongings were lost, damaged or delayed
Scheduled flight/travel itinerary
Add files
Property Irregularity Report
Add files
Lost items reported
Add files
Airline compensation
Add files
Luggage delivery receipt or letter
Add files
Purchase and expense receipts
Add files
Photo of damage
Add files
Repair receipt
Add files
Police Report
Add files
Other (Accident Exposure etc.)
Scheduled flight/travel itinerary
Add files
Other documents to support your claim
Add files
Frame 6905
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Payee & Contact Details
Frame 6904

How would you like to receive your payment?

* Payment will be processed upon successful claim outcome. Depending on claim volumes, we strive to provide a claim outcome within 7-21 working days.

How can we contact you?

Frame 6905
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Frame 6904

Other Insurance / Information

Payer 1
Add another bill

Additional Supporting

Please note that you are submitting this claim to Xodus Travel Services Inc. Please see our full Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy.

By submitting this claim to us, you are deemed to have agreed to us collecting, using, disclosing and processing your personal data for the purpose of assessing your claim. This may include disclosing and sharing your personal data with our service providers and/or with other insurers for the proper processing, handling and/or dealing with your claim, which includes investigating the claim.

Frame 6905
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Review Your Submission
Frame 6904
Frame 6905
Submitted for Review
Claim Reference No.
What’s next?

We will review your claim and provide you a response by email within 2 business days:

If you have any questions related to your claim, please directly reply-to the acknowledgement email sent to you for the fastest support.